Thursday, October 31, 2019

Team Participation - Scenario Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Team Participation - Scenario Analysis - Essay Example Team creation and development often offers an efficient environment which is considered to be ideal for encouraging teamwork, cooperation and motivation within the team members to greatly contribute towards the organization by delivering their best possible performances (The Team Building Directory, 2011). Conceptually, it would be tough for any individual to attain goals without team cooperation. It is considered essential for an individual to discuss and evaluate the pros and cons of his/her plan with the other individuals as in certain situations the rationality of a single individual or brain may fail in terms of making the correct decision (Project Smart, 2012). Thus, being in a team helps an individual to learn skills and talent of the teammates. With reference to the mentioned question it can be stated that an individual paper would have been better rather than just mentioning one’s name in a project which had no contribution of that individual. Contributing towards a p roject not only helps in developing confidence but also makes an individual aware regarding his/her capabilities. Joining a team and contributing nothing can be stated to be morally unethical. Once an individual becomes the part of the team, he/she must contribute towards the common goal which needs to be collectively attained as much as possible. Indulging in such activities which are considered to be unethical makes an individual lose his/her confidence regarding one’s competencies and skills. How is the importance of a team and its dynamics? The success of any organization largely depends on its ability to build an effective team. A single individual or an employee cannot perform all the responsibilities of the organization single handedly. Effective team in an organization motivates and creates cordial relation among the team members and enables them to perform their task efficiently (The Team Building Directory, 2011). It is equally important for the team members lucidly comprehend the responsibilities assigned to each members. In addition to this there also needs to exist a proper form of communication between the teammates in order to avoid the occurrence of conflicts among them. The different concepts and thoughts of the team members can be combined to reach the best suited decision which shall ultimately benefit the organization (Rosen, 2011). What are the benefits of being assigned to a team rather than picking the members of your team or volunteering to join a team? Being assigned to a team gives an opportunity to an individual to learn from its team members and acquire new skills. Volunteering to join a team may disturb the balance of the already existing team and may lead to conflicts between the new member and the existing members. Moreover, the role of each member is already assigned and the introduction of a new member may require the team leader to reassign the responsibilities among the team members which might prove to be cumbersome a nd may delay the particular project. Thus, being assigned to a team creates a sense of responsibility within the members and such accountability is found to motivate the team members to perform their assigned tasks efficiently. Moreover, an individual learns to work in groups and to accept greater responsibilities. An individual gets motivated by other teammates to work even in case of adverse situations. Thus, working in a team as a member teaches an

Monday, October 28, 2019

John Donne Essay Example for Free

John Donne Essay John Donne’s Valediction Forbidding Mourning is a poem stressing the aspect of love through the use of various metaphors and allusions. Donne’s main influences being utilized in the poem are created from the 17th century metaphysical poetry. The poem in essence is a farewell speech, as is written in the beginning lines. These lines suggest a quiet departure and the syntax of the poem and the meter follow through with traditional rhythm. The speaker does not want a teary goodbye as is read with ‘no tear-floods’. Donne’s alliteration throughout lines 5-8 also give the reader a sense of movement and accenting of the farewell with the phrase, â€Å"twere profanation †¦to tell the laity† in which the ‘t’ sound becomes prevalent and its poignancy points toward an emphasis on the farewell motif of the poem and how the lovers cope with this departure. The purpose of the speaker is to comfort the reader, or the lover in a time of parting. The speaker then requests of the lover that the two part ways calmly and quietly and thus eliminate tears and protests of the departing. The speaker further insists that to part ways in such a platonic fashion alludes to their love being holy. This love however develops beyond the boundaries of the spiritual and is also referenced as being a physical and sexual love. Thus, the poem’s focus is a transformation of the different loves shared by the speaker and the lover and the celebration the two have in these loves which are refined as line 17 points out. The secret that the metaphysical writing gives the reader is that the lovers are so in tune with each other that they are assured, according to the speaker, a happy reunion. It is the sharing of the goodbye that is endearing in the poem, and the way in which Donne analyzes this farewell is also intriguing. Donne’s metaphysics speaks towards the couple’s soul, and it’s joining after being split. This then is a merriment of earthly love or ‘religion of love’. The love being elevated in the poem, is enhanced by the device of metaphor as Donne writes that the love spoken about in the poem is a sacred love. The narrator describes this love as being breed from confidence in love, which gives the two a strength during the parting. Thus, the two are able to endure a brief span of time in which their love will connect them (Nutt 2005). This endurance is made possible by the speaker by emphasizing that the two share a single soul and thus any illusion of division by space, time or distance is inconsequential. This is the extended metaphor of Donne’s poem. The metaphysical conceit in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning is the comparison of the two unlikely objects of the lovers’ relationship and their two souls being the feet of a drawing compass as seen in the final stanzas. The allusion to feet of a compass, is a metaphor of direction in which love points toward the right direction and the love of the two lovers is merely a circle that has no end, thus, a farewell is of no consequence since it ends and begins in the same instant. Therefore, although the two lovers will be geographically apart from each other, the speaker believes that this will only strengthen their love since the lovers will remain faithful to each other during this separation, thus bringing trust into the equation of Donne’s metaphysics. Another key metaphor used by Donne is that of gold being beaten thin so that it expands and this comparison is made between the love expanding between the two lovers and not breaking (Beliles 1999). Thus, Donne’s use of metaphor through metaphysical aspirations is the main creative elements in his poem. Work Cited Beliles, D. B. Theoretically-Informed Criticism of Donne’s Love Poetry: Towards A Pluralist Hermeneutics of Faith. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. , 1999. Donne, J. Poems of John Donne. vol I. E. K. Chambers, ed. London, Lawrence Bullen, 1896. 51-52. Nutt, J. John Donne: The Poems (Analyzing Text). Palgrave Macmillan. New York, 2005.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Chinese Students Attitude Towards the Giant Panda: A Study

Chinese Students Attitude Towards the Giant Panda: A Study Introduction People have been attracted by specific species (Goedeke, 2004). Regarding these specific species, Kellert (1996) analyzes that humans tend to be attracted to the species which has a large body and is able to walk, run, or fly. The giant panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca is one of the most famous among those attractive species (Lorimer 2007). The giant panda is a member of the Ursidae family and occurs in only three provinces in China (Reid and Gong 1999). The species is classified as Endangered on the IUCN Red List with the estimated population of no more than 1600 individuals (IUCN 2009). In China, which is home to the giant panda, people express their willingness to pay (WTP) for the giant panda conservation, which is enough to conclude that this charismatic species is able to acquire their habitat (Kontoleon and Swanson 2003). In contrast to this economic point of view, Yang (2005) refers to the fact that little is known about Chinese peoples perception of the giant panda, although several studies have been made on the general attitudes towards wildlife. Therefore, she studies the attitude of the public in China towards the giant panda. She analyzes the relationship between the attitudes of Chinese people towards the giant panda and the image of the species in the media, and concludes that the general attitude in China is likely to be associated with the symbolic and domestic value rather than ecological-scientific value. This corresponds with general Chinese attitudes towards wildlife and the image of the giant panda constructed by the media (Yang 2005). However, s ince this conclusion is drawn based on the literature review, it may not reflect peoples actual attitudes. Thus, this attitude still needs to be studied. This research aims to explore Chinese students attitude towards the giant panda by semi- structured. This report consists of three sections. First, the research methods are presented including participant, the development of interview, questions, procedures, and an analysis. In the second section, the results from an analysis of the students attitude are described. The final section of this paper discusses the insights of main finding and several limitations of this interview survey for further research. Methodology Participant Ten Chinese students at the University of Kent were interviewed for this study. The interview sample was composed of two male and eight female students, and of two undergraduate and eight postgraduate students. The students majors were classified as follows: Conservation and Tourism, International Commercial Law, Human Resource Management, Accounting and Financial Management, European Culture and Language, International Business Management, and English Literature. The respondents were recruited through personal contact with one Taiwanese and three Chinese students. The interviewer informed about the purpose, topic, structure, and length of the interview in advance to confirm participation (Sarantakos 2005). After a student agrees those conditions, the time and place for the interview was arranged. The development of idea for interview questions and procedures In order to standardize interview guides, a pilot survey was conducted at an initial stage (Newing in press). This pilot survey on November 1st through the skype revealed that the interview was difficult to answer and analyze owing to specific questions, thus, a half of questions were changed to improve the interview. The actual interview survey, approximately 25 minutes for each interview, was conducted from November 3rd to 20th. The first interview was conducted with a student who has knowledge about the giant pandas to test modified questions and to develop the background of questions; hence, an unstructured interview was carried out at this time. In the second interview, the interviewee who was not familiar with the topic was chosen to confirm whether all questions in the interview were not difficult to answer for all interviewees. Since the student seemed uncomfortable to talk about an unfamiliar topic, the place was rearranged. In addition, in an effort to reduce uncomfortable constraints on the student, the interview was not recorded. Therefore, further interviews were recorded by note-taking to conduct in the same way as this second interview. Based on these first two interviews, the further questions and procedures of the interview were standardized. Questions This interview consists of six questions (see Appendix). The first question aimed to be a relatively easy question to talk about (Robson 2002; Newing in press). The second question was related to the first question, so that it was able to lead the interviewees to main topic of the interview. This question was one of main questions of this interview as well as the third, fourth, and fifth question. These questions were set to understand Chinese students attitudes towards the giant panda. The final question was not directly related to the subject and it was supposed to be a simple question as a cool-off question. However, it was found at the development stage of this interview that this sixth question invited the further discussion about the relationship between the giant panda and Chinese people. Therefore, the question was kept in each interview. Procedures This interview survey followed the procedure described by Robson (2002:277); Introduction, warm-up, main body of interview, cool-off, and closure. In the introduction stage, interviewers and the students were introduced each other, and talked about their own courses at University of Kent as warm-up. During the interview, it is weighted to elicit information to maximize the advantage of a semi-structured interview. Therefore, the depth of answer was varied between the questions and the answerers. It is also important to note that the interview was often stopped to clarify what the interviewee meant or answered. In some cases, it was confirmed at cool-off stage or after the interview by exchanging e-mail. Analysis During the data collection, the interviewer tried to record annotations, memos, coding (Newing in press). At an initial stage of an analysis, the coding procedure was conducted followed the instruction described by Newing (in press: 218). As top codes, several values from Kellerts nine values (1996) (see Table 1) were employed as predefined codes. For sub-codes, the detailed information related to the defined top codes was identified. At next stage, the procedure suggested by Sarantakos (2005) was taken to develop from open-coding to the concept. However, the coding procedure for this interview description was not sufficient for axial, selective coding since top codes used at open-coding stage and core category were similar with each other. Result All Chinese students showed their favourable attitudes towards the giant panda. It is likely that the species has a special meaning for Chinese students, and a good illustration of this is the answer that if the giant panda becomes extinct, it is going to be chaos, I mean panic feeling. As in Yangs study (2005), the symbolic value seemed to play the important role in determining the attitudes towards giant pandas. However, unlike Yangs study (2005), the other five values, utilitarian, ecologistic-scientific, humanistic, moralistic, and negativistic values, are also the important factors on individual attitudes. In contrast to above values, three of nine values, naturalistic, aesthetic, and domestic value, were difficult to detect during the interview. The reasons for this are (1) in order to obtain information for understanding of Chinese students naturalistic and aesthetic value, the follow up questions about students experiences and view of nature should have been asked during the interview. However, these questions would carry us far away from the purpose of this paper, (2) the domestic value of the giant panda was hardly discussed throughout the survey, although Yang (2005) suggests that this value is also one dominant value in Chinese people attitudes towards the giant panda. From these two reasons, the detailed findings about only utilitarian, ecologistic-scientific, symbolic, humanistic, moralistic, and negativistic values will be described in following subsection. Utilitarian value Students indicated two types of answers regarding this value; for ecotourism and for diplomatic relations. Concerning ecotourism, some students mentioned that they would like to have giant pandas in their towns to attract tourists. This concept can be seen in the answer the giant panda bring the money to our town. Moreover, a student illustrated the species as money when asked to choose one word for the giant panda. It was also mentioned that tourism for the giant panda is a benefit for the development of local villages by opening the road for the facilities, developing transportation service, and providing employment opportunities. The second type of answer was using the giant panda for diplomatic relations. Several words such as the tool for diplomatic/international exchange, gift for foreign countries, and the advertisement for China were used when interviewees explained the relationship between Chinese people and the giant panda. Ecologistic-scientific value All Chinese students showed their ecological knowledge about the giant panda, and their knowledge is supplied by environmental education, education in primary and middle school, media, and books. All respondents mentioned that the giant panda is endemic to China, thus, it is important to protect the species. One interviewee continued to say we treat them as a treasure. It was also mentioned that the species requires specific diet and habitat to survive. Not all but most of Chinese students imply the population of the giant panda in wild was not stable and mentioned captive breeding to conserve the species. Moreover, two students expressed their concern about over-attention to the giant panda status in China. For instance, one student insisted that the giant panda was just a bear with the knowledge about the classification of the species and the rate of extinction for other species in the world. Their knowledge comes from various sources from formal education to movies. However two st udents did not remember how they learned about the giant panda since it was common sense for them. Symbolic value It is noteworthy that all Chinese students in this research described that the giant panda represents China with remarkably similar words such as symbol of China, stand for China, pride of China and image of China. Three possible explanations for this answers were identified from interviewees answers; (1) the giant panda only occurs in China, (2) the species represents Chinese people, for instance, one student chose the word modest for the giant panda, and this student referred to that the national animal represents the own culture and personality. Other student answered identity to explain the relationship between Chinese people and the giant panda. (3) In the Chinese mythology, it is assumed that Chinese people are children of the giant panda, which is told by one interviewee. It seems reasonable to suppose that the giant panda has the high symbolic value as national animal on the grounds that all students defined the species as the symbol of China. Humanistic value Interviewee tended to see giant pandas from an anthropomorphic view. Chinese students showed the feeling of love and strong attachment for this species. All students described the panda as cute at least once in the interview. Students illustrated this species by the words lovely, warm-hearted, animal of love, friendly, funny, honest and modest. In addition, their strong attachments for the giant panda can be seen the phrases such as everyone cannot help falling love with Panda, all Chinese like panda, all people like panda, he brings a lot of happiness, I know them from my childhood, [so I will feel pity if they become extinct], and the panda has special meaning for us. Moralistic value Interviewees showed their concern about the giant panda. Of those who refused to have the species in their towns, all stated that they do not let the giant panda put in the difficult situation for survival because of unfavourable habitat. Furthermore, a specific question about the extinction of the giant panda was asked to explore students attitudes towards the moralistic value. To this question, all interviewees indicated their concerns about the dying out of the giant panda. Two students stated that the giant panda should not become extinct owing to its intrinsic value as one species, as can be seen in the answer they belong to the earth. Although these two students expressed their moralistic concern, the major reason for the other students might not be moralistic. The major reason why eight students opposed the extinction of the giant panda was the fact that the giant panda is an endemic species and the national animal. Negativistic value The ecological feature of the giant panda was the key to understand the negativistic value towards the species. Nine of ten Chinese students did not show their fear of the giant pandas. Some of them chose the word for or the image of the species such as friendship, friendly, warm, close to people, and community. When they were asked the reason for using those words, they explained that the giant panda eat only bamboo, never attack people, stay at mountains, and do not compete with people for food resource. Based on these characteristic of the giant panda, nine students seemed not to express their fear. On the other hand, one student mentioned that giant pandas attack people when they get furious. Discussion and conclusion This study set out to explore Chinese students attitudes towards the giant panda and its result showed that generally students have strong favourable attitudes. It was also shown that the major values contributing to their attitudes were utilitarian, naturalistic, ecologistic-scientific, symbolic, humanistic, and moralistic. The most significant value among ten Chinese students at University of Kent was the symbolic value of the giant panda, which correspond with the Yangs study (2005). There may be two reasons behind this answer; the anthropomorphic view towards the giant panda throughout history and the fact that the species is endemic to China. Regarding the anthropomorphic view, some students answer that the species represents Chinese personality. The other explanation is that the species is an ancestor of Chinese people in the mythology. These two explanations demonstrate that the anthropomorphic attitudes to the giant panda may lead to consider the species as the symbol of China. This anthropomorphism for the giant panda can be also seen in the humanistic value. In addition to an anthropomorphic view, the fact that the giant panda is endemic species in China can be the main factor of being the symbol of China. Students showed their understanding of the uniqueness of the giant panda such as habitat preference or specialist diet with their ecological knowledge, as described in the ecologistic-scientific value. Therefore, it could be assumed that the ecological f eatures of the giant panda can be also one of major factors for identifying the symbol of China. These two reasons provide more depth of the Chinese attitudes towards the giant panda than literature review conducted by Yang (2005). As she suggests, this study also found that the symbolic value plays the key role in determining the attitudes towards the giant panda, and that few students indicated the influence of the media. However, the behind of this attitudes, there are several factors, which related to the anthropomorphic view in their culture including the mythology, and the ecological knowledge from school education about giant pandas, according to this interview survey. Moreover, it should be also noted that students revealed contradiction statements towards the giant panda. While interviewees showed their emotional attachment for the species, they also mentioned the use of the species as an attraction of tourist and the tool for the diplomatic relation. In this research, it is difficult to discuss this inconsistent stance of the students because of the lack of information. More information on following points would help to establish a greater degree of accuracy on this matter; (1) the relevance of nine basic values towards the giant pandas to test whether the symbolic value is the most significant determinant, (2) the influential agencies, such as the media or school, to construct peoples attitudes towards this species, or (3) further investigation of the contradictory attitudes towards the giant panda. However, for further research, it should be considered following difficulties this research faced. Firstly, at the design stage, sampling method and questions should be changed. This research did not used random sampling, thus, it might cause sampling bias. Concerning questions, although the main six questions were designed to be neutral and to avoid using simple and direct questions (Newing in press), follow-up questions which was improvisational question could cause error, bias or leading the answer. Thus, it is essential to conduct more pilot intervi ews until the interviewer become able to create proper follow-up questions during the interview. Secondly, at the interview stage, interviewers skill was not ideal. Several errors might be included to some extent in this interview, such as recording error, instruction error, or leniency effect (Sarantakos 2005) which might cause students inconsistent statement. Finally, at the analysis stage, to understand more depth of Chinese students attitudes, an analysis of the detailed information and a coding of the data should be more sufficient at the interview stage (Newing in press; Pole and Lampard 2002). In this research, an analysis of the interview during data collection with annotations, memo, and coding was not sufficient for the in-depth analysis. In addition, the top codes used for the data sorting should be well-defined in the context of the answer. Even though the previous study used the same codes for an analysis of attitude survey, the coding followed previous survey might be subjective rather than objective. In conclusion, returning to the aim posed at the beginning of this paper, it is now possible to state that ten Chinese students at University of Kent generally have favourable attitudes towards the giant panda. Although the symbolic value as the symbol of China plays the key role in the students attitudes, it should be noted that the factors behind their answers are more various and complicated than the previous study described. Literature Cited Goedeke, T.L. 2004. In the eye of the beholder: Changing social perceptions of the Florida manatee. Society Animals 12: 99-116. IUCN (The International Union for Conservation and Nature and Natural Resources). 2009. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Ailuropoda melanoleuca. Available from: [Accessed: 28th November 2009]. Kellert, S.R. 1996. The value of life: Biological diversity and human society. Island Press, Washington, DC. Kontoleon, A. and T. Swanson. 2003. The willingness to pay for property rights for the giant panda: Can a charismatic species be an instrument for Nature Conservation? Land Economics 79: 483-499. Lorimer, J. 2007. Nonhuman charisma. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 25: 911-932. Newing, H. In press. Conducting Research in Conservation: A Social Science Perspective. Routledge, London. Pole, C. and R. Lampard. 2002. Practical Social Investigation: Qualitative and quantitative methods in Social Research. Parsonal Education, London. Reid, D. and J. Gong. 1999. Giant panda conservation action plan. Pages 241-254 in C. Servheen, S. Herrero and B. Peyton, editors. Bears. Status survey and conservation action plan. IUCN/SSC Bear and Polar Bear Specialist Groups, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Robson, C. 2002. Real World Research: A Resource for Social Scientists and Practitioner-Researchers (Regional surveys of the world). 2nd edn, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford. Sarantakos, S. 2005. Social Research. 3rd edn, Palgrave Macmillan, New York. Yang, L. 2005. Biosocial reciprocity in environmental communication: A study of giant panda conservation communication in China. MSc thesis, Texas AM University, US.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

ECN paper :: essays research papers

The upcoming presidential election of 2004 could prove to be the most vital in our nation’s history. Therefore, every issue is of importance; however, this paper will focus on George Bush and John Kerry from a non-partisan standpoint, and which candidate would be better for our economy. The economy is always changing, causing recessions as well as periods of growth for our country. However, each candidate is inclined to think he has the right answer or direction. Before deciding who gets your vote, there are various economic issues that must carefully be examined and taken into account when accessing each candidate. After reading these articles, I became aware of strengths and weaknesses for both candidates. Business Week stated that the Republicans have it wrong on jobs and the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate should be higher, because the numbers of discouraged workers who were once in the labor force or are currently seeking employment are not being counted, therefore causing the job creation numbers to appear higher than they actually are. The Democrats are wrong about unemployment itself stating that outsourcing is the main reason for slow job growth in the past few years. Of the nearly three million jobs in our economy only 300,000 have been from outsourcing. (Forrester Research Inc.) In fact, the outsourcing of certain computer equipment to Asia in the 90’s lowered computer prices for our country and helped spread a technological revolution in some places never thought possible. After reviewing these articles I gathered that our economy is steadily on the rise under the leadership of George Bush. This President has dealt with a terrorist attack on our country, as well as war, high energy and oil prices, plus a devastating hurricane season. Despite all of these problems, the Gross Domestic Product and national income are rising and looking stronger. Inflation is also slowing down, while our spending is increasing. Our economy according to Glenn Hubbard in Business Week has rebounded, and the 4.8% growth in Real Gross Domestic Product over the past 12 months is faster than in any such period during the Clinton years. This Jefferson 2 growth in the economy does not mean that there are no jobs lost. However, job losses are a result of changes in buying patterns and corporations who reorganize. John Kerry has spoken several times regarding "the middle class squeeze" and the tax breaks for the wealthiest 1% of Americans.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Consumerism Essay

Taking the green to the extreme A lot of consumer groups are starting to show up against capitalism and consumerism. They strive to come out with the message that â€Å"less is more†, meaning that buying less is better for the environment. They are taking recycling to another level. The question is, is it possible to make a huge impact? Do we really need to stop consuming to make a difference? And how bad do we need a change? One of these groups are called freegans. Freegans are people living an anti-consumer lifestyle, they choose to re-use food that is being tossed to the curbside but the food being tossed is edible.A lot of people think that it is obscene to eat food out of a dumpster or curbside and that it is impossible to know how long the food has been out there. They are not necessarily being freegans out of economical issues they are doing it out of principle because they do not wish to fund those big corporations that are spoiling the environment and they also think about the homeless people and give them some of the food they find since they get so much that they cannot take it all home. Their message is being well received, since some stores put the food in way that makes it easy for them to pick and choose and they even wink at them.Another group is the Compact that are against consumerism. It originated in 2005 at dinner party in San Francisco, where the guests decided to take recycling to another level by going a whole year without making a new purchase but they are allowed to buy used items and are encouraged to borrow and reuse whatever possible. They too think that consumerism is destroying the world and that most of us own more than we need. Their concept is being taken rather seriously and has quickly been spread all across the United States of America. Almost 3. 00 people from all over the world has taken part of the concept on Yahoo and the participants think that it has been a rewarding experience. Quote from John Perry the co-foun der of the Compact group – â€Å"We’ve enjoyed the camaraderie and competitive spirit with friends,â€Å" Perry said. â€Å"And it’s been really good for us to think about what we need, as opposed to what we want† When Colin Beavan got the news about global warming and he did not feel that the government was doing something about it, so he decided to do something about it, therfore he did something that nobody has done in thousands of years.Colin Beavan decided to live without electricity through a whole year with his daughter and wife. Other initiatives are to use low-energy transportation, eliminating trash, eating locally and seasonal and so on He wrote a book called â€Å"No Impact Man: A Year Off the Grid† based on his experiences throughout the year he was living without electricity. Colin Beavan says that whenever they were bored they went to the park and hung out with their neighbors and in this way they were both being social and sparing the environment. Colin Beavan has encouraged people to do the same by starting the No Impact Experiment.There is a webpage were you can register yourself to join the No Impact Experiment, you can schedule how you are going to live a week and upload videos of how well you are doing, so that everyone can see your results. Personally I think that these are some amazing initiatives and it is very inspiring but I do not think I would be able to live by eating food from the dumpsters or without electricity, I am too accustom to the way I am living like right now and I believe a lot people would have difficulties because they are to accustom to the way they are, I know a lot of people who cannot live without their cell phones or being on Facebook.A lot of the things that a couple years ago we almost did not use have become a necessity for us, e. g. internet, or at least for my generation. I do think that even the smallest thing you do, can help the environment and the small steps are the ones that are going to help the environment. ?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Eastern Connecticut State University Admissions

Eastern Connecticut State University Admissions Eastern Connecticut State University Admissions Overview: 58% of applicants are accepted to Eastern Connecticut State University each year, making it an accessible school to many. Applicants will need solid grades and an impressive resume/application to be admitted. To apply, prospective students may use the Common Application, or can visit the schools website for Easterns application form. Additional materials include high school transcripts, letters of recommendations, and (optional) scores from the SAT or ACT. Admissions Data (2016): Eastern Connecticut State Acceptance Rate: 58%Test Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: - / -SAT Math: - / -SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanCompare SAT scores for Connecticut collegesACT Composite: - / -ACT English: - / -ACT Math: - / -Compare ACT scores for Connecticut colleges Eastern Connecticut State University Description: Eastern Connecticut State University, often called simply Eastern, is the designated  public liberal arts college  of the Connecticut State University System. The 182-acre wooded campus is located in Willimantic, about 30 minutes from Hartford and 45 minutes from Providence. Both Boston and New York City are easily accessible. The university has a largely undergraduate focus and takes pride in the broad liberal arts foundation of its academic programs. Undergraduates can choose from 35 majors with business and psychology being most popular. Academics are supported by a 15 to 1 student / faculty ratio and an average class size of 23. For motivated and self-directed students who want a major that brings together multiple disciplines, Eastern offers a popular individualized major. Life on campus is active with over 60 student clubs and organizations, and on the athletic front the Eastern Warriors compete in the NCAA Division III Little East Conference. The university fields seven me ns and ten womens intercollegiate sports. Enrollment (2016): Total Enrollment: 5,362  (5,171 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 44% Male / 56% Female83% Full-time Costs (2016 - 17): Tuition and Fees: $10,500  (in-state); $23,361 (out-of-state)Books: $1,000 (why so much?)Room and Board: $12,559Other Expenses: $2,251Total Cost: $26,310  (in-state); $39,171 (out-of-state) Eastern Connecticut State University Financial Aid (2015- 16): Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 92%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 77%Loans: 76%Average Amount of AidGrants: $7,111Loans: $7,121 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:  Accounting, Art, Biology, Business, Communication, English, General Studies, Individualized Major, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 76%4-Year Graduation Rate: 42%6-Year Graduation Rate: 54% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:  Soccer, Lacrosse, Basketball, Track and Field, Baseball, Cross CountryWomens Sports:  Track and Field, Lacrosse, Softball, Soccer, Volleyball, Swimming, Cross Country, Basketball, Field Hockey   Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics If You Like Eastern, You May Also Like These Schools: Roger Williams University: ProfileRhode Island College: ProfileAlbertus Magnus College: Profile  Southern Connecticut State University: Profile  Mitchell College: Profile  University of Hartford: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Bridgeport: Profile  Yale University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphEndicott College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Rhode Island: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph

Monday, October 21, 2019

How Ethernet Works essays

How Ethernet Works essays What Is Ethernet and How Is It Used? A gentlemen by the name of Bob Metcalfe realized that he could improve on a system called the Aloha System which arbitrated access to a shared communications channel. He developed a new system that included a mechanism that detects when a collision occurs (collision detect). The system also includes "listen before talk," in which stations listen for activity (carrier sense) before transmitting, and supports access to a shared channel by multiple stations (multiple access). Put all these components together, and you can see why the Ethernet channel access protocol is called Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detect (CSMA/CD). Metcalfe also developed a much more sophisticated backoff algorithm, which, in combination with the CSMA/CD protocol, allows the Ethernet system to function all the way up to 100 percent load. In late 1972, Metcalfe and his Xerox PARC colleagues developed the first experimental Ethernet system to interconnect the Xerox Alto. The Alto was a personal workstation with a graphical user interface, and experimental Ethernet was used to link Altos to one another, and to servers and laser printers. The signal clock for the experimental Ethernet interfaces was derived from the Alto's system clock, which resulted in a data transmission rate on the experimental Ethernet of 2.94 Mbps. Metcalfe's first experimental net was called the "Alto Aloha Network." In 1973 Metcalfe changed the name to "Ethernet," to make it clear that the system could support any computer, and not just Altos, and to point out that his new network mechanisms had evolved well beyond the Aloha system. He chose to base the name on the word "ether" as a way of describing an essential feature of the system: the physical medium (cable) carries bits to all stations, much the same way that the old "luminiferous ether" was once thought to propagate electromagnetic waves through space. Physicists Michelson an...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Socrates on Life Meaning Essays

Socrates on Life Meaning Essays Socrates on Life Meaning Paper Socrates on Life Meaning Paper What did Socrates meant by â€Å"an unexamined life is not worth living†? Socrates’ reasoning in passing up the chance to escape his sentence after being condemned to death on fabricated charges Socrates is one of the most influential Greek philosophers, who as influential in ushering the Hellenistic Age. His powers of logical reasoning and the invention of the Socratic method has left a lasting impression on Western philosophy. Although he was a prominent member of the Aristocratic class, his lack of deference to authority would lead to his tragic death. Even when given the choice between a life in exile or immediate execution, he chose the latter as a matter of adhering to principle. According to Socrates, a commitment to moral reasoning is an essential condition of a well-lived life. An individual should base his actions upon the outcomes of such internal dialogues. The exercise of self-examination and introspection as a way of arriving at moral truths is of paramount importance to Socrates. So much so that he unequivocally declared that â€Å"an unexamined life is not worth living† (Vlastos, p.121). This commitment to truth by way of rational, critical enquiry would eventually cost Socrates his life. But, even when in sight of his impending death, Socrates calmly reasoned with his friends and supporters that accepting the judgment of the state is to follow the moral course of action and he refused to escape into exile. Socrates was brought to trial by the democratic Athenian jury, which had scores to settle with prominent members of the previous regime. Socrates’ association with the previous regime made him a target of persecution, irrespective of the validity of the alleged charges. He was accused of undermining religious and state authority and for also corrupting the minds of Athenians. But in reality, Socrates made no deliberate attempts to bring down the religious and state authorities. Instead, he encouraged his students to adopt a critical approach to moral actions, also suggesting that the Athenian rulers themselves are not exempt from such scrutiny. Hence, Socrates sacrificed his life as a way of standing by the principles he endorsed to others. Despite his tragic death in this fashion, the event has acquired him a martyr status among subsequent generation of intellectuals and philosophers. Starting with Plato, his most illustrious disciple, intellectuals have taken inspiration and strength from Socrates’ choice and have contributed to positive social change. Two millennium since the execution of Socrates, in the more progressive and liberal democracies of Western Europe and North America, the citizens enjoy a whole array of civil rights. This includes the right to freedom of speech as well – a right that was not available to Socrates. While there is no doubt that modern democracies offer their citizens rights and privileges that were unknown of before, dissidents still don’t find it easy to get their views across. For example, it is fair to say that those from far left of the political spectrum face plenty of hostility from the mainstream establishment. The mainstream media and political institutions simply ignore critical analyses from this quarter. This points out that modern liberal democracies are far from ideal and utopian. There is still progress to be made in terms of fulfilling Socrates’ notion of living an ‘examined life’, which would allow citizens of a state to critically examine their state a nd its wielding of authority. : Vlastos, Gregory (1991). Socrates, Ironist and Moral Philosopher. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Hanson, V.D. (2001). â€Å"Socrates Dies at Delium, 424 B.C.†, What If? 2, Robert Cowley, editor, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, NY. Socrates’ reasoning in passing up the chance to escape his sentence after being condemned to death on fabricated charges Socrates is one of the most influential Greek philosophers, who as influential in ushering the Hellenistic Age. His powers of logical reasoning and the invention of the Socratic method has left a lasting impression on Western philosophy. Although he was a prominent member of the Aristocratic class, his lack of deference to authority would lead to his tragic death. Even when given the choice between a life in exile or immediate execution, he chose the latter as a matter of adhering to principle. According to Socrates, a commitment to moral reasoning is an essential condition of a well-lived life. An individual should base his actions upon the outcomes of such internal dialogues. The exercise of self-examination and introspection as a way of arriving at moral truths is of paramount importance to Socrates. So much so that he unequivocally .

Saturday, October 19, 2019

This is a COMPANY LAW AND CAPITALISM (LLB) problem question; the Essay

This is a COMPANY LAW AND CAPITALISM (LLB) problem question; the question is on the assignment criteria field of this application form below - Essay Example and Boris are the executive Directors of the Company, but from the perspective of ownership of shares, it may be noted that Clarke Bros has a greater ownership stake, since they own 5% of the shares while Boris and Amber own 2% each. Berle and Means point out that with the growing size of corporations, ownership and management have been separated1 however companies are now so dominated by directors that their shareholders may be denied an effective say in the decisions of the Company. Justice Plowman in the case of Parke v Daily News Ltd2 held that the primary duty of the directors of a corporation is to their shareholders, superseding their duty to their employees. In the execution of his duties, it is inevitable that a Director will face a conflict of interests, but he is required to be self regulated by a strong code of ethics in his dealings. The Executive Director is the principal agent of the Company but under the law, has been held to be subject to the same standards of loyalty and good faith in his duties as that expected from trustees3 and therefore has a fiduciary duty to the shareholders4. However, the functions of directors originated as a flexible concept in the courts in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. For example in the case of directors in Turquand v Marshall, the Court held that it â€Å"could not interfere with the discretion exercised by them†.5 In the case of Re Dunham and Co, the Court found that the director has been guilty of â€Å"considerable negligence† yet held that he had not breached his duty of diligence and care.6 However the duty of skill of a Director was best laid out by Romer J in the Re City Equitable Fire Insurance Co Ltd7 where he stated that while a Director was expected to exercise a certain level of skill and diligence that an ordinary reasonable man would apply under the circumstances, this did not mean that he was required to demonstrate a level of skill that was not commensurate with his experience. Moreover, a

Friday, October 18, 2019

Alexander the Great & His Glorious Battles Research Paper

Alexander the Great & His Glorious Battles - Research Paper Example ... It was not the Macedonian Phalanx which penetrated to India, but Alexander." The terms like ‘brilliant’ and Genius† truly represented the character of Alexander. According to Major General J.F.C. Fuller, only a genius â€Å"binds the Great Captains into a common brotherhood.† Alexander’s greatness could be seen in his genius through his visibility, physical and moral bravery, strength, aspirations to materialize the dreams he had, purposefulness, triumphs and accomplishments, which created a feeling of appreciation, reverence, safety and respect among his forces. ? Napoleon Bonaparte was a great admirer of Alexander the great. If one wants to learn the art of war, one should read time and again the war initiatives of Alexander. Alexander was supreme on two fronts, head of the army and political head of the state of Macedonia and knew well that military pursuits were just the tools to achieve political aim of long term peace. Alexander was great be cause he had the insight of using military might and political insight not to indulge in mass killing of enemy forces, a popular perspective of indulging in wars as impressed upon by Clausewitz during the nineteenth century. Alexander pursued a cherished mission of winning the enemy not by looting enemy wealth to bereft the future victorious lands of all the necessary resources or earn the anger and wrath of the enemies unnecessarily. The primary mission of waging wars against foreign lands was to strategically win the confidence of the people through political maneuvering.? The principles followed by Alexander helped in his winning adventures, which included respect for energy, attention, fast turnaround time, sudden action, and cherishing the mission. Alexander had deep understanding of other strategically crucial warfare elements such as playing offensive tactics, using the military power economically, and setting up of safer bases, and risk-free communications. ? The glorious ba ttles fought by Alexander attached the title of â€Å"great† to his name because he fought the battles by adhering to warfare principles, as stated above. He fought different warfare by following a line of thought in leading battles, sieges, small aggressions, guerrilla war tactics, and revolts, making him distinct from other great commanders. Military commanders in his army were adapted in fighting a traditional war fought openly, they were not expert in the guerrilla warfare designs or circumventing the enemy base. Special about Alexander’s battles was that he never lost a battle during the 10 years war adventures initiated between 335 and 325 BC. He regularly led the warfare during his battles at least once a year, each year. His army was very well trained and full of vigor combined-arms army, gifted to him by his father, to complete arduous tasks whatever the circumstances. Alexander’s army was the unparalleled army of that time. ? Alexander took good care o f his soldiers. He never considered them like paid laborers but always boosted their morale by setting an example of bravery before them through his individual power. He did not expect them to accomplish what he himself could not. He set an example of team-spirit in the army unit, and did not let any opportunity miss for the welfare of his soldiers. His humanistic attitude towards his comrades and appreciation of those in front of the whole unit who have set examples of

Reflection paper for a dance class (2 pages) about a movie dance take Essay

Reflection paper for a dance class (2 pages) about a movie dance take the land - Essay Example The story is all about believing, about deciding to make a difference, and about creating a sense of creativeness. It is about struggling against indifferences and giving rise to recognition of innate talents and capabilities. Pierre confronted the criticisms of the school director, the students, and their parents, but he had decided to make a difference, which he did. The story teaches us the importance of determination, commitment and perseverance. We come to know that we can achieve anything in life if we have strong will power and confidence to bring a change. Pierre speaks of his determination in this dialogue with Rock- the boy who vandalized his school director’s car: Another precious lesson I have learned from the movie is that students tend to develop a feeling of trust with teachers when the latter provide them with a healthy atmosphere. Pierre faced sheer conflict with his students initially, like when he said, â€Å"What if I said these dances would make you look cool?† To this Rock said, â€Å"Id say youre full of shit.† But finally, the same students got to love him. A trust worthy relationship between the teacher and his students leads to better performance outcomes. The teacher-student relationship is as important as the relationship between the parents and their kids. Teachers are spiritual parents, and it is their obligation to provide the students with all the trust they need to grow up into happy and healthy citizens. This trusting relationship helps the students to cross the barrier and be friends with their teachers. For example: This dialogue shows how Pierre tried to bring out self-confidence in his students through interacting with them one-on-one. This is how the movie cultivates new insights to the profession of teaching- that is, interacting with the students one-on-one to bring out the

Applied Workplace Practice Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Applied Workplace Practice - Personal Statement Example The second part, on the other hand, will be dedicated to my three-week journal. In this light, each weekly journal shall narrate the critical happenings I have encountered and how my team and I were able to come up with sound solutions to solve them. Emphasis will also be placed on the essential insights I have gathered in relation to business management and people empowerment. Jim’s Cleaning is dedicated to â€Å"providing its Franchisees with the safest workplace practicable, taking into consideration state legislative requirements, information from current Australian Standards and industry best practice† (Jim’s Cleaning Group, 2012, p. 1). Safety, therefore, becomes the core value of Jim’s business operations. In this regard, the company has concretized this vision by developing strict guidelines on safety, as embodied in its health and safety policy that outlines safe work methods and procedures to protect not just the lives of the client being serviced, but more importantly of the employees working. It is in this mindset that the company also recognizes the need to ensure that its operations do not place the community at risk of injury, illness, or property damage, in order to also ensure the preservation of the surrounding environment (Jim’s Cleaning Group, 2012). Jim’s Cleaning believes that the realization of these goals rely heavily on the concerted efforts of its franchisors, franchisees, and employees. Thus, constant communication and coordination is being strictly implemented throughout the company. It is through this emphasis on the proper alignment and enforcement of operational health and safety (OHS) that the company was able to develop its standard procedures and processes. For one, Jim’s Cleaning ensures to render proper induction and training to its newcomers for them to understand their

Thursday, October 17, 2019

More on Thinking Well Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

More on Thinking Well - Essay Example Even such informal writing as blogging has a certain structure with its own requirements of links between sentences and paragraphs, that are much different from the requirements of formal writing, but it is this difference that distinguishes blogging from the formal writing. Without a proper structure or proper linkage between the sentences and paragraphs, a piece of writing is just a mess of words, conveying ideas in a haphazard manner, thus making it taxing for the readers to continue reading and leaving them confused and undone. Besides, writing any kind of paper is baseless if it does not serve the purpose. Every kind of writing whether it is a letter, legal writing, or a journal paper has a set of principles that must be adhered to so that the writing qualifies in that category. Writers make utmost effort to conform to those principles so that it is accepted for publishing in the intended

Joy luck club Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Joy luck club - Essay Example The inception of the prologue in the film and the presentation of the film along with its large scaled and detailed camerawork have made the film appear like a river dancing to the tune of wind or fall of words from poetic imagination. This essay intends to focus on the thematic aspect of the film, along with its myriad technical dimensions which provided it a strong and unique perception altogether. THE JOY LUCK CLUB: THE TRAJECTORY Life has different twists and turns, crest and fall and people amid all the complexities and hustle and bustle of life forget to retaliate upon the lost moments of profanity. The film Joy Luck Club captures and upholds different subtle and intimate moments between families and life where subtle and intricate human relations and values operating upon the matrix of myriad social and economic aspects find its profound expression. The film depicts a development of a club formed by four women; it can be seen as a strong discourse of women empowerment depicted within the societal change and structure of contemporary America. The club had a different objective, the members of the club indulged themselves in playing, ‘mahjong’ and over the span of years they have involved themselves in telling and sharing the stories of their lives with each other. Their life trajectory speaks particularly about a societal transition in America. And, various dimensions of Chinese immigrants to America surface out with full force into the plot of the film. The women discuss their passage to America from China, their pursuit and dream, their desire and disappointment. The way they remarried in America for a better life and gave birth to their children on this land itself are very much contextual. Another theme of the film is the space or vacuum that evolves due to generation gap and a space which forms due to the transition of culture and inter-cultural exchanges against the cosmopolitan backdrop. One can find highly ambitious mothers setting hi gh hopes and keeping high faiths upon their daughters who are about to replace them. The daughters face a lot of troubles treading down the paths of success full of anxieties and a stark feeling of inappropriateness that haunts them. Moreover, through the course of understanding and empathizing with each other, the mothers and daughters at the Joy Luck Club are able to bridge their differences (Johnston, â€Å"FILM / The tears of living dangerously: Wayne Wang called Oliver Stone's films evil; Stone called Wang's boring. The novelist Amy Tan brought them together. By Sheila Johnston†). The film is initiated with a short prologue by June; a narrative which is very poetic in appeal and followed by June’s farewell party at San Francisco and her plunge to reunite with her long forgotten twin sisters at China indicate a sense of unification with one’s forgotten root that build the essence of the theme operating within the film. There are also guests at Joy Luck Club, mainly constituted by the mothers, their daughters and the friends and relatives. Each of the members narrate their story of conflict, dream and struggle in the alien land of the United States of America which builds a strong discourse upon the nature of immigration and life of the immigrants in America. The most fascinating technical aspect of the film ‘The Joy Luck Club’ is its cinematography and tight-lipped editing apart from

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Applied Workplace Practice Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Applied Workplace Practice - Personal Statement Example The second part, on the other hand, will be dedicated to my three-week journal. In this light, each weekly journal shall narrate the critical happenings I have encountered and how my team and I were able to come up with sound solutions to solve them. Emphasis will also be placed on the essential insights I have gathered in relation to business management and people empowerment. Jim’s Cleaning is dedicated to â€Å"providing its Franchisees with the safest workplace practicable, taking into consideration state legislative requirements, information from current Australian Standards and industry best practice† (Jim’s Cleaning Group, 2012, p. 1). Safety, therefore, becomes the core value of Jim’s business operations. In this regard, the company has concretized this vision by developing strict guidelines on safety, as embodied in its health and safety policy that outlines safe work methods and procedures to protect not just the lives of the client being serviced, but more importantly of the employees working. It is in this mindset that the company also recognizes the need to ensure that its operations do not place the community at risk of injury, illness, or property damage, in order to also ensure the preservation of the surrounding environment (Jim’s Cleaning Group, 2012). Jim’s Cleaning believes that the realization of these goals rely heavily on the concerted efforts of its franchisors, franchisees, and employees. Thus, constant communication and coordination is being strictly implemented throughout the company. It is through this emphasis on the proper alignment and enforcement of operational health and safety (OHS) that the company was able to develop its standard procedures and processes. For one, Jim’s Cleaning ensures to render proper induction and training to its newcomers for them to understand their

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Joy luck club Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Joy luck club - Essay Example The inception of the prologue in the film and the presentation of the film along with its large scaled and detailed camerawork have made the film appear like a river dancing to the tune of wind or fall of words from poetic imagination. This essay intends to focus on the thematic aspect of the film, along with its myriad technical dimensions which provided it a strong and unique perception altogether. THE JOY LUCK CLUB: THE TRAJECTORY Life has different twists and turns, crest and fall and people amid all the complexities and hustle and bustle of life forget to retaliate upon the lost moments of profanity. The film Joy Luck Club captures and upholds different subtle and intimate moments between families and life where subtle and intricate human relations and values operating upon the matrix of myriad social and economic aspects find its profound expression. The film depicts a development of a club formed by four women; it can be seen as a strong discourse of women empowerment depicted within the societal change and structure of contemporary America. The club had a different objective, the members of the club indulged themselves in playing, ‘mahjong’ and over the span of years they have involved themselves in telling and sharing the stories of their lives with each other. Their life trajectory speaks particularly about a societal transition in America. And, various dimensions of Chinese immigrants to America surface out with full force into the plot of the film. The women discuss their passage to America from China, their pursuit and dream, their desire and disappointment. The way they remarried in America for a better life and gave birth to their children on this land itself are very much contextual. Another theme of the film is the space or vacuum that evolves due to generation gap and a space which forms due to the transition of culture and inter-cultural exchanges against the cosmopolitan backdrop. One can find highly ambitious mothers setting hi gh hopes and keeping high faiths upon their daughters who are about to replace them. The daughters face a lot of troubles treading down the paths of success full of anxieties and a stark feeling of inappropriateness that haunts them. Moreover, through the course of understanding and empathizing with each other, the mothers and daughters at the Joy Luck Club are able to bridge their differences (Johnston, â€Å"FILM / The tears of living dangerously: Wayne Wang called Oliver Stone's films evil; Stone called Wang's boring. The novelist Amy Tan brought them together. By Sheila Johnston†). The film is initiated with a short prologue by June; a narrative which is very poetic in appeal and followed by June’s farewell party at San Francisco and her plunge to reunite with her long forgotten twin sisters at China indicate a sense of unification with one’s forgotten root that build the essence of the theme operating within the film. There are also guests at Joy Luck Club, mainly constituted by the mothers, their daughters and the friends and relatives. Each of the members narrate their story of conflict, dream and struggle in the alien land of the United States of America which builds a strong discourse upon the nature of immigration and life of the immigrants in America. The most fascinating technical aspect of the film ‘The Joy Luck Club’ is its cinematography and tight-lipped editing apart from

Cold War in the period 1945-1949 Essay Example for Free

Cold War in the period 1945-1949 Essay The Cold War is a prolonged state of tension and hostility held between the two major powers, namely the Soviets and the Americans after post-world war-two period. The term turning point implies that the Berlin blockade caused a turn of events and instigated the outbreak of the Cold War. Therefore, the statement made is only accurate to the extent that the Berlin Blockade was the direct factor regarding the outbreak of Cold War, yet it was not the only factor that sparked it off. Rather, it was the interplay of contributing factors such as mutual misunderstanding, conflicting security interests, willingness to support armed forces over and above those heeded for defence purposes, as well as the doomsday rhetoric. Therefore, it is portrayed that the Cold War was not the product of one event or incident, but rather of the fundamental clash of ideologies and interests between the two powers. The Berlin Blockade was the direct cause of the Cold War, stemming from the unhappiness of the Soviets over the issue of Germany in particular, thus proving to be a turning point in the Cold War. Stalin was unhappy over the Allied plans in Western Germany as stipulated by the Marshall Plan, such as the currency reforms as it would actually stifle the Soviets chance in increasing its sphere of influence into that area. The blockade therefore was an attempt made by the Soviets to diminish Western influence in Germany. However, the plan backfired due to the US superiority in air, using the Berlin airlift to transport the supplies into their own zone. This directly had negative repercussions in worsening the relations between the two powers, causing the definite split of Germany and leading to the outbreak of Cold War, showing how the Berlin blockade was the turning point in the outbreak of Cold War, by which it was the final straw that actually cemented the Cold War. Despite the Berlin Blockade being the direct factor that caused the outbreak of Cold War, one cannot neglect the factor that actually led to the Berlin Blockade: the disagreement over the German issue. The German issue was split into two areas: the question of reparations for Russia and the territorial and political boundaries drawn. In terms of reparations, the relations between both powers were strained due to the switch of US presidents that  resulted in the US going back on its word as agreed in the various wartime conference. At Yalta, Russian demand for $20 billion of reparations from Germany was rejected, with Roosevelt only permitting $10 billion in principle. This however was rejected yet again by his successor, Truman, who was not in favour of it. At Potsdam, the issue was further aggravated when Trumans secretary of state Byrnes asked Russia to obtain compensation from its own zone, which specialized in agriculture. The Soviet Union was only entitled to 25% of Germanys industrial equipment and Byrnes feared that Soviets demand for high reparation would delay Germany economic recovery at the US taxpayers expense. This increased resentment, as the Soviets felt compelled to increase its sphere of influence over Germany and extract more resources. This however was misinterpreted by the US as an expansionist attempt made by the Soviets, confirming their power hungry image. Based on the above mentioned factor, it is evident to see how the issue of Germany played a vital role in straining the relations between both powers, causing more misinterpretation as well as resentment felt for each other, finally culminating in the Cold War. The disagreement over the future of Germany was also one of the factors that led to the outbreak of the Cold War. Stalin wanted the split of Germany to be fixed at the Ode-Nesse line, in which Churchill and Roosevelt disagreed, as it would give Poland extra land at the expense of Germany. The presence of Soviet troops at the line angered the US because it was seen as a unilateral action taken by the Soviets, and that there should be no Soviet aggrandizement at Germanys expense. This led to the breakdown of the Grand Alliance and facilitated the outbreak of the Cold War. On the other hand, the US also carried out unilateral actions in Germany causing further discontentment, leading to the outbreak of the Cold War. This was seen in the case of the formation of Bizonia, by which the West wanted to bring the Western zones of Germany into one economic unit. This was to integrate Western Germany with Western Europe, in hopes of cutting Western Germany off from the Communist East. This move cemented the partition of Germany and was a move that the Soviets disapproved as it would  limit Soviet influence in West Germany. This caused further tension between the two powers, finally resulting in the Cold War. Apart from the issue of Germany, the actions taken by the Soviets as well as the US also played a vital role in aggravating the tensions held between both powers, causing the Cold War to break out. For one, Soviet activities in Poland were a contentious event, which caused suspicion and strain in the relationship between the US and the SU. This brings into question the issue of the security dilemma, by which for the Soviets, Poland and Eastern Europe were central to her security, as put through by Stalin as the question of Poland is not a matter of honour but life and death. Despite obtaining control of the Baltic States and having the 1918 border with Poland restored, Stalin felt that SU needed friendly states around her for security, which required them to be communist. At Yalta, it was promised that free elections would be held in the Eastern European states. However, the term free elections were different in principle, causing tensions. Roosevelt also refused to formally acknowledge the Percentages agreement concluded with Britain in 1944, increasing the friction between both parties. This made Stalin more determined to consolidate control over the Eastern European states, in which Stalin reduced the power of the London Poles by increasing communist members in the Lublin committee, heightening the tension and resentment. Truman and Byrnes demanded at Potsdam that Stalin have free elections in Europe based on how the US interprets the term, such as multi-party and fair election, which were rejected by the Soviets. This led to increased schism between the Soviets and the US, by which the relationship was placed under great stress, which in turn contributed to the outbreak of the Cold War. US actions in Europe also contributed to the increasing rivalry and hostility felt between the two parties, which led to the outbreak of the Cold War. The events surrounding the issue of economic reconstruction also played a role in fostering ill will, leading to the eventual outbreak of the Cold War. The US allowed the golden opportunity to work jointly with the Soviets to slip by, in which the US under Truman wanted to highlight the Soviet dependence on the US aid rather than portraying the Soviet as a worthy partner. The  lend-lease scheme, which the SU was dependent on to rebuild its economy, was cancelled in 1945. Congress also reduced the request for a 6 billion loan to q 1 billion. Furthermore, the loan was also conditional, in which the US demanded open markets to facilitate the free access of US goods and intellectual materials into Eastern Europe. This further heightened the tension, as the Soviets interpreted the US actions as dollar diplomacy in which the US was using its financial position as a way to dominate Soviet economic affairs. This caused the SU to retaliate by refusing to join World Bank and IMF, as earlier agreed at the Bretton-Wood meeting due to the reduction in loan. Therefore, the dollar diplomacy used by the US served only to further heighten the unhappiness as it aimed to make the Soviets an adversary rather than a valuable partner in the world stage, laying the frameworks for the outbreak of the Cold War. The development and testing of the atomic bomb and the use of US nuclear diplomacy also further facilitated the onset of the Cold War. This was seen in two events, namely the liberation of Japan and nuclear diplomacy. The atomic bomb allowed the US to liberate Japan without the help of the Soviets, causing the SU to lose its chance in having a foothold in East Asia. This led to worsening of relations as it went against the Yalta conference where it was agreed upon that the Soviets would have a hand in the liberation of Japan. Furthermore, the Soviets were not consulted regarding the issue. Truman also used the atomic bomb in a bid to intimidate Stalin into complying with the US demands of having free elections in Eastern Europe. Stalin however was undeterred and was determined to catch up with the US. The US refusal to share the nuclear technology with the Soviets or establish joint control of the weapons as stated in the Baruch Plan also worsened relations as the Soviets began viewing the US as a bully. Therefore, the US use of the atomic bomb in Japan, as well as the implementation of the nuclear diplomacy clearly proved how it worsened the relations between the two powers, bringing about the outbreak of Cold War. Leadership changes in the US in April 1945 from Roosevelt to Truman closed opportunities for future cooperation and negotiation between the two parties, culminating in the Cold War. Truman adopted a more hardline  approach regarding the dealings with the Soviets, in which he felt that cooperation was impossible. This translated into a non-accommodative approach towards Russia and the harsh measures taken by the US in dealing with the Soviets, causing the worsening of relations between them, leading to the outbreak of the Cold War. The US containment policy also aided in worsening the relationship between the US and the SU, causing it to be a direct factor in the outbreak of the Cold War. Containment was an effort taken by the US to restrict communism from spreading further through the use of mainly monetary means. The two policies, namely the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan were proof of that. The Truman Doctrine stemmed from the perception that there was a compelling need to restrict Soviet influence in Greece and Turkey. This prompted action from Congress, by which 400m was approved for both countries. Even though this policy was successful in eliminating the Soviet influence, it laid the basis for further Soviet discontent and the eventual Cold War. The Marshall Plan, which involved the German issue, was also one of the factors that led to the outbreak of the Cold War. The MP extended developmental aid to all countries, in hopes of reviving the European economy. Though it was open to all, the clauses stated by the US were found to be unfavorable to the Soviets. This compelled the SU to tighten its influence on Eastern Europe, giving rise to negative perceptions on both sides. Soviets were also unhappy with the currency reforms in Western Germany, as stipulated by the MP, which led to the direct cause of the Cold War, the Berlin Blockade. Therefore, it is clear that the Marshall Plan also contributed to the outbreak of the Cold War. Finally, differing ideologies and government system also perpetuated the outbreak of the Cold War. The differing views and goals of the two different political systems led to actions that seemed to be at odds and detrimental to the Westerns or Soviet interests. This led to misconceptions between both sides especially in regards to foreign policy intentions that culminated into a reaction-counter reaction measure, leading to the outbreak of the Cold War. In conclusion, based on the above-mentioned factors, it is seen that the Berlin Blockade was the direct reason for the outbreak of the Cold War. With many factors linked to the Berlin Blockade, such as the Marshall Plan as well as the German issue, the statement is therefore accurate to that extent. However, other factors must not be neglected, as it was fundamentally the combination of factors that led to the outbreak of the Cold War, such as the misinterpretations, conflicting security interests, willingness to support armed forces over and above those heeded for defence purposes, as well as the doomsday rhetoric.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Development Of A Five Star Hotel Island Construction Essay

Development Of A Five Star Hotel Island Construction Essay This report has been prepared for Expedition Maldives Pvt. Ltd to evaluate the feasibility of investing in a project to develop a five star hotel island under the name of Mendhoo Island Resort Development project by using project development methods with financial assessment. This report has been structured with the project scope definition, scope management, financial analysis with a conclusion drown from the analysis following with the recommendation. Scope management has been developed with the project life cycle with required phases with works in each phase in detail. To analyze the project financially, Discounted Cash flow analysis, Net present value analysis and internal rate of return analysis has been used Through this report, analysis has shown that investing in development of 100 room hotel is the most viable option for the Expedition Maldives Pvt. Ltd. The findings have shown that this project provides a good return since the internal rate of return of the project is higher than the required rate of return. Analysis on time value for money has also shown that its significant to invest in this project. Properly executing all the phases of project life cycle is very important and any delay could incur extra costs since the cash inflow starts from third year, when the hotel is in operation. For this project its highly recommended for the responsible management team of the Expedition Maldives Pvt. Ltd to track, trace and monitor all activities of the project life cycle and make necessary amendment if requires on time for the successful accomplishment of the project. 1. Introduction This report has been prepared for Expedition Maldives Pvt. Ltd to evaluate the feasibility of investing in a project to develop a five star hotel island under the name of Mendhoo Island Resort Development project by using project development methods with financial assessment. For this project whether to invest in 50 or 100 rooms hotel is been assessed and investing in development of 100 room hotel has been chosen as the most viable option and analyzed in detail. This report has been structured with the project scope definition, scope management, financial analysis with a conclusion drown from the analysis following with the recommendation. Scope management has been developed with the project life cycle with required phases with works in each phase in detail. To analyze the project financially, Discounted Cash flow analysis, Net present value analysis and internal rate of return analysis has been used. 2. Project Scope Management 2.1. Scope Definition Project Scope Management includes the process required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully. (Turner, 1992) The project scope definition document is mainly intended to endow with the project organization and the project manager with a road map of both the work to be completed within the estimated budget and time frame. It is a guide for future actions. Therefore, the scope document will be of an assistance to manage the project confidently and to maintain an effective communication process within the key stakeholders throughout the project. Mendhoo Island Resort project is planned to develop a Five Star Hotel (a Resort Island), which requires a huge financial investment. Tourism industry of Republic of Maldives is the fastest growing industry across the island nation and it is the major economic activity. Before considering the lease agreement from the owner, The Board of Directors of Expedition Maldives Pvt. Ltd have done necessary environmental analysis and developed a strategic business plan based on the recent market research to assess the feasibility of investing on this project. With the positive outcomes, the top management of the organization decided to hire the island on a long term lease basis for a period of ten years, within that, two years period is targeted for the construction and the balance seven years for the Hotel business operation at its full swing. The construction and development of the Hotel till its pre-opening is budgeted for US$ 8,000,000.00 (Eight million US Dollars). First activity of this project will be started with construction of Jetties, in order to aid and facilitate the unloading of required heavy load machineries and tools, material and other goods which is requisite to proceeding with the construction. Development phase of this project consists of 100 Guest Rooms (includes Beach Villas, Water Bungalows. The other important activities of this project include carrying out all the other related works which are required for accomplishment of this project. Development works of the project would be carried out in accordance with the project charter and the approved design frame work. According to the project charter, the project scheduled to commence on July 2011 and to be completed on July 2013. In regard with the all works, the company decided to hire skilled and qualified employees from related fields for the different areas of the total work to be done to accomplish the project. Project team of this project includes a project manager, Engineers and other functional department HODs and other staffs. apart from mentioned scope of the project, While continuing project if the need arises make amendments, that has to be considered in accordance with all the factors related to the project which includes budget, time frame and the quality of work. 2.2. Scope Management The above Figure: 1 which is the life cycle of this project, adopted in order to manage the scope of the project .this will provide all the detail activities which are to be carried out for project to succeed. Phase-1 Phase-2 Phase-3 Phase-4 Two years to complete the project Monitoring and Controlling Gate-1 Gate-2 Gate-3 Gate-4 Activities 1- Develop business case 2- Establish the terms of reference 3- Appoint the project team 4- Setup the project office 5- Review the phase Activities 1- Project plan 2- Resource plan 3- Financial plan 4- Quality plan 5- Risk plan 6- Acceptance plan 7- Communication plan 8- Procurement plan 9- Contract the suppliers 10- Review the phase Activities 1- Build deliverables 2- Monitor and control 3- Time management 4- Cost management 5- Quality management 6- Change management 7- Risk management 8- Issue management 9- Procurement management 10- Acceptance management 11- Communication management 12- Review the phase Activities 1- Perform project closure 2- Review project completion Activities 1- Current tourism market analysis 2-Envirnmental analysis 3- Feasibility study 4- Review the phase Activities 1- Start operating island as a hotel 2- Checking the performance Gate-5 Phase-5 Phase-6 Operation Completion Market Research Carryout the project works Initiation Planning Remaining eight years for operation Figure : Project Life Cycle. Life cycle of this project is consisting of six different phases with numbers of activities. The scopes of those activities are described below. The first phase is market research of the product and service, starting from analyzing the Current tourism market. Environmental analysis, to identify the risks associated with the project environment and to take possible action to mitigate the risk if required. Feasibility study; collecting all the information of business problems and gathering required solution option to fix it, finding out the available solution option, evaluating feasibly for each option, identifying risk and issues associated with each option and developing suggested solution option for implementation. Reviewing the phase is going to check all the requirements are identify and take proper action. The first phase of this project is carrying out market research, before considering financial investment decision on this project, the company will be conducting researches to collect information regarding the trends in current tourism industry of the country as well as global market to identify the cost and benefit of investing the project, which will be followed by environmental analysis to identify the issues associated with project environment to take proper action before proceeding with a legal contract with the island owner. Carrying out the feasibility of the project is also included in this phase by evaluating the current business problems and opportunities. Project Initiation is the second phase of the life cycle. The scopes of activities included in this phase are as follows: Develop a business case describing the opportunities, problems and issues which are exist and evaluating options to deliver solution and resolve the problems. This phase also includes cost and benefit associated with each solution option and recommended solution option for approval the business. Establishing the terms of reference, define the project vision, objectives, scope and deliverables, identifying the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders and allocating resource and finance required in accordance with the plan. Appointing project team, selecting qualified employees for appropriate positions is the most important function of the project. Settings up the project office, to monitor and control the project environment and manage cultural diversity of workforce. Review the phase, evaluation of achievement of this phase. Considering Initiation phase of this project, finding out business opportunities of investing to build 100 rooms hotel and its operation, also identifying the environmental changes that might impact the project period and gathering required solution for those impacts. This phase also will identify the core aspect of business environment such as business vision, goal and objectives to be archived. This phase also will evaluate the process and technology available for the project. Process and technologies that is relevant to the project, products and services. legal requirements of government on environmental factors and commercial and operational trends which drives towards the business, the key stakeholders information and assuring the most appropriate methods of allocating required resources for the project to be finalized. Appointing the project manager and allocating his responsibilities to proceed with selection of other team members necessary for carrying forward the project and allocating their responsibilities respectively. The final activity of this phase is building the project office to use the infrastructure as a base to manage project activities. Iproject planning is the third phase of project life cycle. Scope of this phase includes: Project plan: to identify the milestones, phases, activities and tasks to quantify the effort required. Allocating resources required and creating a project schedule including listing of the planning dependencies, assumptions and constraints. Resource plan: identify and list out the general types of resources required and assigning the resources to the activities and complete the resources usage table. Financial plan: to manage the costs and expenses likely to be inquired on the project such as employees wages, equipment, materials and administration cost. Quality plan: to maintain the terms of quality consider on the project and identify the targets to be met and describe the quality assurance and control techniques to be under taken. Risk plan: identifying list of risks and rating the likelihood of each risks occurring, provide the report of impact and reason of occur and setting up the prevention action to reduce the likelihood of the risk occurring. Setting out a mitigation action plan to reduce the impact. Acceptance plan: identify milestones to be archived and deliverables to be produced, developing what criteria and standards should be maintained for customer acceptance and reviewing the deliverables. Communication plan, provide required information to the stakeholders to keep them regularly informed of the progress of the project status. Scheduling the communication Events, methods and release dates, use matrix to highlight resources involved in each communication event and use clear process for each communication event with in the project. Procurement plan, understanding of the external supply market and provide to key stakeholders with required materials and reliable details of suppliers to present the materials within the time and budget to proceed procurement in accordance with the companys procumbent policy Contract the suppliers: conduct the tender process and evaluate the supplier and select appropriate supplier by looking ability and capability. Finally negotiating a formal contract with the preferred supplier. Review the phase, reviewing to check if the activities are in accordance with the requirements. Planning phase of this project is concerned on finding the milestones of project phases, number of activities and tasks to be complete within the particular timeframe, resource plan list out the required resources for the project such as employee, equipments and material. In this phase financial plan will identify the number of resources required and its related costs. Quality plan will provide the quality targets that should be archived. Risk plan is intended to emphasize the potential risks and what actions could be taken for mitigation of those risks. Acceptance plan is intended to list out the acceptance standard of the customer in regard with their expectations. Communication plan will describe what information is required and necessary to communicate with stakeholders. Procurement plan will identify a list of products and source of external suppliers which will be followed by the activity of contracting the suppliers after evaluating the best bidders. Fourth phase of the life cycle is Carryout the project works. The scopes of this phase are: Build deliverables, clearly define the objectives and deliverables, the final deliverable should meet the requirements of customers. Monitor and control, physically constructing each deliverable and use series of management process to monitor and control the activities that are undertaken. Time management, identify the total time required for each activity to complete the work on time and identify the percentage completed and outstanding works. Cost management, identify the cost/expenses of overall project and accurately manage the record the details, approve and paid the payments on time. Quality management, maintain the quality standard of the project according to the quality plan, using most appropriate quality measurement and techniques to measure the quality standards. Change management, if any changes required to the project scope, deliverable, timescale or resources, should be evaluated and approved before implementation. Risk management, use the best methods and theories to identify the risk associated with the project which includes quantifying, monitoring, avoiding, transferring and mitigating the risk with the help of risk register. Issue management, use the appropriate method to identify the issue through the issue register and take number of action to reduce impact that the issue is having on the project. Procurement management, to maintain the relationship with suppliers, monitor things that required and controlling the ordering receipt, review and approval of form suppliers, managing overall performance of the supplier. Acceptance management, to check the deliverables are met with the customer requirements by presenting each deliverable separately until the acceptance of all the project deliverables. Communication management, to provide right information at the right time to the correct stakeholders and should ensure the message is reached to the right person. Carrying out the project works: This phase will provide with the final deliverables to the stakeholders. While carrying out the project works, deliverables would be checked on a regular interval to get the feedbacks from respective stakeholders before beginning every stage which would be done through monitory and controlling. Each activity would be allocated with a particular time frame to meet deadlines. Variance has to be considered and adjusted if required and project scope should be discussed at managerial level for approvals. Risk management of the project should be carried out by recording in the project risk register to take necessary action for mitigation of the risk. In same manner other project issues also have to be registered in issue register to take required and needful actions. Procumbent of the project would be managed according to the procumbent plan, suppliers performance will be monitored are reviewed regularly. Further, all necessary information relating to project has to be recorded and delivered accordingly to the respective parties timely. Fifth phase of the life cycle is Completion; scopes of this phase are: Perform project closure, to ensure from the stakeholders the deliverables are met with their acceptation and check project achieved the objectives and delivered the benefits describe in the business case. Review project completion, to monitor achievements and failures of the project, to get better ideas for feature projects. Completion, phase of this project will check and ensure the deliverables are delivered according to the stakeholders expectation and project fully archived the objectives that are mentioned in the project scope and all the activities are review to identify the mistakes and errors to avoid in the feature projects. The last phase of the project is operations of hotel scope are Start operating island as a hotel, increasing the number of customers visiting on hotel providing quality standard services to them. Checking the performance, maximize the revenue of the hotel. Operation, phase of this project is to provide quality product and service customer to attract them to hotel and maintain their first choice holiday destination in Maldives and also yearly increasing the revenue of the company. 3. Financial Analysis of Project 3.1. Factors influences the choice of discount rate Considering to this project factors influence to the choice of discount rate are interest rate and inflation. When discounted if the interest rate is higher the outcome of NPV (time) would lower and vice versa due to inverse relation. Total Investment Capital Interest p.a. Total money payment Equity 8,000,000 14% 560,000 Total 8,000,000 560,000 Table : Cost of capital The bank saving rate at bank of Maldives is 10% p.a. for fixed deposits and the bank lends long term loans at 15% interest (which is the cost of borrowing). The firm owners (shareholders) who have invested for equity capital, although they are not expecting any interest for the invested equity capital, they have expectations about the companys performance and return for the risk that they have taken instead of investing in the bank. They would be getting a 10% return p.a. which is even less risky. Therefore the expectation of the shareholders in regard with the return is higher, which is 14% p.a. as presented in the above table 1.0. Therefore the while taking investment decision the company has to invest in such a way that fulfills the expectations of the shareholders in accordance with rate of return on their investment. The company decided to invest in a project to build a five star hotel. Before considering this investment decision the company carried out initial feasibility studies to decide whether to invest in construction and operations of 100 rooms or 50. The main purpose feasibility this study is to identify the cost/ benefit of the project and to consider the investment which gives highest rate of return. The following tables (table 2.0 and 3.0) provide the details of selection between two choices. Expected cash inflow per year if invested in 50 rooms Room Type No of rooms Expected occupancy per room p.a Room Rate US$ Water Villa 25 180 days 450 Beach Villa 25 180 days 250 Total Table : Expected cash inflow per year if invested in 50 rooms Total project duration ten years Construction and development requires one year. Full board operation nine years Expected duration to build and develop 50 room hotels requires one year. Operation will be started right after this period. Therefore this project totally consists of total ten years out of which nine years would be in full operations. The total expected cash inflow of this project by the end of ten year is US$ 28,350,000 at the rate of US$ 3150000 cash inflow per year for nine years. Expected cash inflow per year if invested in 100 rooms Room Type No of rooms Expected occupancy per room p.a Room Rate US$ Water Villa 50 180 days 450 Beach Villa 50 180 days 250 Total   Table : Expected cash inflow per year if invested in 100 rooms Total project duration ten years Construction and development requires two year. Full board operation eight years Expected duration to build and develop 100 room hotels requires two year. Operation will be started right after this period. Therefore this project totally consists of total ten years, out of which eight years would be in full operations. The total expected cash inflow of this project by the end of ten year is US$ 50,400, the rate of US$ 6300,000 cash inflow per year for eight years. Since investing in construction and operation of 100 rooms givers higher cash inflow than 50 rooms hotel, the company decided to invest in construction and development of 100 rooms. 3.2. Discounted cash flow analysis The management of the company evaluated the option of investing in the project for construction and development of 100 (hundred) Rooms which includes Beach villas and water bungalows. The details are stated below. 3.3. Net present value (NPV) analysis Net present Value (NPV) represents the difference between the present vale (PV) of cash inflows and the Present value (PV) of cash outflows. Net Present Value is used to evaluate and analyze the profitability of this project since. The Net Present Value of following projected cash flow is calculated   Ã‚  with consideration of amount and timing of future cash inflows, amount and timing of future cash outflows and by using discount rate (at the rate of 14%). Project cash flow and Net Present Value(NPV) Year Net cash flows 0 -8000000 1 0 2 0 3 6300000 4 6300000 5 6300000 6 6300000 7 6300000 8 6300000 9 6300000 10 6300000 Net Present Value at 14% Table : Project cash flow and Net Present Value (NPV) 3.4. Internal rate of return analysis Internal rate of return is calculated to find the true rate of return earn on this investment over the course of 10 years life. The higher the projects internal rate of return, the more desirable to proceed with the product Project cash flow and Internal rate of Return(IRR) Years Net cash flows 0 -8000000 1 0 2 0 3 6300000 4 6300000 5 6300000 6 6300000 7 6300000 8 6300000 9 6300000 10 6300000 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) = 21.185 Table : Project cash flow and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) The Required Rate of Return (ROR) is 14% but the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 21.185% which means IRR is greater than ROR, and therefore project has to be preceded and carried forward. Since IRR > ROR the project has to be preceded and carried forward. 4. Conclusions Through this report, analysis has shown that investing in development of 100 room hotel is the most viable option for the Expedition Maldives Pvt. Ltd. The findings have shown that this project provides a good return since the internal rate of return of the project is higher than the required rate of return. Analysis on time value for money has also shown that its significant to invest in this project. Properly executing all the phases of project life cycle is very important and any delay could incur extra costs since the cash inflow starts from third year, when the hotel is in operation. The success depends on the ability of the project team to carry out the project work phases in accordance with the plan. If the project team is incompetent to carry out the planned work scheduled, it would be a countable threat to succeed the project 5. Recommendation As mentioned under conclusion the project team of Expedition Maldives Pvt. Ltd should ensure all means to stay with the project plan but to meet and resolve any unexpected issues on timely basis. Since Maldives is a country geographically widespread, regular transfer of required materials should be well in advance prepared and the senior management of the project must be ready to face this challenge if arises at any phase of the project life cycle to accomplish the project on time. Delay in accomplishment is costly since no cash inflow is projected before the hotel is in operation. Therefore its highly recommended tracking, tracing and monitoring of all activities of the project life cycle and make necessary amendment if requires on time.